In addition, Mr. Bernard Orlan from the DOE's Division of School Facilities will present the results of preliminary air quality tests he conducted at MCSM on Saturday, December 22. Mr. Orlan will explain the testing that has taken place so far, describe additional testing planned for the February midwinter recess, and answer parent questions. He will also discuss past reports of asbestos contamination in our school building.
Principal David Jimenez will be on hand to discuss issues relating to the recent DOE school budget cuts and our efforts to requalify as a Title I school.
This is an important meeting for all parents, and it is your chance to meet with and express your concerns to our local City Council Representative. Having met Ms. Viverito previously, this writer can attest to her concerns over brownfield contamination issues in New York City as well as her for the health and well-being of Manhattan Center and Isaac Newton students, teachers, and staff.
Please plan to attend.
Be informed -- voice your concerns -- get your questions answered.
Be informed -- voice your concerns -- get your questions answered.
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