MCSM PTA is kicking off its first fundraiser of the new year with premium baked goods from Ashley Farms at our next PTA meeting on Tuesday, February 12. Samples of several Ashley Farms products were distributed to parents at January's PTA meeting for a tasting, and the verdict was a BIG thumb's up!
These baked goods arrive on the date of delivery frozen and will remain frozen for about six hours. They can be refrozen without any loss in quality and can remain frozen for months! Ashley Farms' products include stacked pizza, NY cheese pretzels, cookie doughs, cakes, pies and their renowned cheesecakes, to name a few things offered. All order forms and payments must be turned in to the PTA by February 25; checks and money orders should be made out to MCSM PTA. The items ordered will then be delivered for our next PTA meeting on March 11.
If you are unable to make it to the February 12 PTA meeting (and you really don't want to miss it -- we have two important guest speakers that you really need to hear), our Parent Coordinator, Julia Valentin, has graciously agreed to keep a supply of Ashley Farms's beautiful brochures in her office for anyone, including your child, to pick up and bring home to you.
You can also see the delicious products Ashley Farms has to offer in this sale by clicking on the following text: Ashley Farms Broadway Cafe. Please note that this sale only includes the Ashley Farms items shown on the Broadway Cafe menu. If you would like to order any of these items, please contact Parent Coordinator Julia Valentin (by phone at 347-563-5163, by email at jvalentin2@schools.nyc.gov) or PTA Co-Vice President Deirdre Rose at birdrose12000@yahoo.com.
This is a great opportunity to ask family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, your hairdresser, auto mechanic, mail carrier -- anyone and everyone -- to support your child's school by purchasing a product that you won't be embarassed about on the date of delivery! You will be givng them a product they will ask you about in the future, if past fundraisers with this company are any guide. So remember that the holidays are coming up, and that these products freeze and keep very well for an extended period of time. Stock up, and tell others to do the same!
Be sure to remind the people you approach to buy these products that MCSM was recently awarded a Silver Medal Silver by U.S. News & World Report magazine as one of the top 3% of high schools across the United States, putting our school in the top 500 from over 18,000 schools surveyed. We need to keep our school strong, especially with Mayor Bloomberg's recent 1.75% budget cuts in education that will cost MCSM approximately $140,000.00. So sell, sell sell! SUPPORT YOUR CHILD'S SCOOL - SUPPORT YOUR PTA!
Please do not allow your child to do any door-to-door selling alone, without an adult. We know they seem to be able to take care of themselves, BUT they are still children, and we do not want any of our children put at risk.
Please do not allow your child to do any door-to-door selling alone, without an adult. We know they seem to be able to take care of themselves, BUT they are still children, and we do not want any of our children put at risk.
Sell lots of goodies and help your PTA help support the programs and efforts of our school!
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