Under Title I, MCSM receives federal government funds to assist students at risk of failure. These funds are provided in addition to the school’s regular budget from the DOE, and MCSM qualifies because over 60% of our students’ families fall below a family income level designated by the U.S. government. This year, MCSM received approximately $850,000 in Title I funds.
When a school first qualifies for Title I moneys, it must operate for the first year of that funding under what is called Targeted Assistance. Under this option, the school can expend its Title I funds on programs, activities, and resources that must be limited to students who satisfy targeted assistance criteria established by NY State and NYC. Currently, students only qualify for targeted assistance if they scored a 1 or 2 on their 8th grade Math or ELA State exams, or if they have failed a Regents exam. Roughly 200 students (about 14-15%) at MCSM qualify for targeted assistance. With so few eligible students, MCSM has in the last three years returned about $400,000 in unused funds to the government. The figure promises to be another $300,000 - $400,000 for just this school year alone.
Every year after the first year, parents can vote through the PTA to convert their Title I program from Targeted Assistance to the Schoolwide Program. This second option allows the school administration to use Title I money on programs, activities, and resources directed toward ANY student the school deems to be at risk of failing, even if they have not yet failed a Regents exam. Teachers and school staff vote separately for this conversion, but it only takes place if both groups vote to make the change.
In the past two years, parents have voted unanimously at PTA meetings to move from Targeted Assistance to the Schoolwide Program option. However, teachers have either elected not to vote or the majority have voted against the change. We are cautiously optimistic that this year’s vote will lead to MCSM finally adopting the Schoolwide Program option.
Please come to the April 8 PTA meeting and register your vote in favor of the Schoolwide Program option of Title I.
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