Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Title I Vote at April 8 PTA Meeting: Title I Parent Representatives

A second vote at the April 8 PTA meeting will be conducted to select a Parent Title I Representative and a Parent Title I Alternate. These two individuals will represent the MCSM parent community’s interests during school discussions about Title I, help plan and oversee the expenditure of parent education funds (about $8,000) that are mandated to be set aside for that purpose by the Title I legislation, represent MCSM parents at district or regional Title I meetings and information sessions, and report to parents at PTA meetings any news or information about the Title I program in general or specific to MCSM.

During the last year, Mr. Donald Redish served as MCSM’s Title I representative, with Ms. Rajinder Singh as his Alternate. Nominations will be taken at the March 11 and April 8 meetings, with the vote itself planned for April 8.

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