This year, USNWR reviewed a wide range of statistics from the 2006-2007 school year for more than 21,000 public high schools in 48 states. Their approach begins by determining whether each school's students were performing better than statistically expected for the average student in the state. The analysis also factors in the percentage of economically disadvantaged students and whether those students are performing better than average for similar students in the state before finally looking at college readiness measures such as Advanced Placement participation and test scores.
The top 100 schools are awarded Gold Medals. The next 504 schools receive Silver Medals, putting them in the nation's top 3% of public high schools according to this ranking methodology. NY State claimed 21 of the nation's 100 Gold Medal winning schools, including in NYC, Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, Staten Island Tech, and Townsend Harris.
There were 27 NY State Silver Medal winners. In addition to MCSM, other NYC Silver Medalists included Baruch College Campus HS, Eleanor Roosevelt, LaGuardia HS, Frederick Douglass Secondary School, Environmental Studies, Fashion Industries, and NEST+M.
To see more about USNWR's high school ranking, you can access their website by clicking on the following test: USNWR High School Rankings 2008/09. To see just the list of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal winners in New York State, click on the following text: New York State Medal Winners.
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