The full complement of parent representatives to the SLT for 2008/2009 consists of the following:
Nevis Almeida
Sherrand Hawker
Steve Koss
Rosalind Lee-Nelson
Isabella Moreno
Jimmy Mui
Deirdre Rose
In addition, Jimmy Mui was elected by show of hands to the position of Title I Parent Alternate. In that capacity, Mr. Mui will work with Title I Parent Representative Lore Barcelona to inform the MCSM parent community about Title I initiatives in our school, especially the planning for and use of the government-mandated 1% minimum set-aside for parent education.
Congratulations to Ms. Rose, Ms. Moreno, and Mr. Mui on their new roles as parent leaders. Many thanks as well to those other parents who offered to serve: Yorda Bermudez, Warnise Holloway, Esperanza Ramirez, Dharma Reyes, Angela Russell, Patricia Smith, and Suzette Williams.
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