As a consequence of the May 13 PTA election being ruled invalid by the District Family Advocate for District 4, a revote was held at the June 12 Parents’ Association meeting. The PA Executive Board for 2008/2009 school year will consist of the following parents:
President – Steve Koss
Co-Vice President – Deirdre Rose
Co-Vice President – Loisen Jacobs
Secretary – Tara Joshua
Treasurer – Nevis Almeida
Following that vote, another election was held to choose as many as four of the six elected parent representatives to the SLT (School Leadership Team) for 2008/2009. Five parents were nominated, but due to a tie for the fourth spot, only three representatives were chosen: Sherrand Hawker, Rosalind Lee-Nelson, and Nevis Almeida. The remaining three spots will be voted upon at the September 9 PA meeting. While any MCSM parent can run for membership on the SLT, the vote in September will give interested incoming 9th grade parents an opportunity to be represented. All are welcome.
One additional election took place that evening. By unanimous voice vote, parents approved the designation of Ms. Lore Barcelona as MCSM’s Title I parent representative. A required Title I Alternate will be sought at the September 9 PA meeting.
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