Fund Raising -- Co-chaired by Deirdre Rose and Don Redish, the Fund Raising Committee is charged with planning and arranging parent and/or parent-student events designed to generate funds for the PTA. This year's Fund Raising committee will include grant writing, purchase and resale of school logo items, and activities related to MCSM's 25th Anniversary celebration.
Membership and Communication -- Chaired by Steve Koss, the Membership and Communication Committee will focus on building and improving parent communication as well as collecting PTA dues donations. Such varied activities as the Parent Newsletter, this blog site, and parent phone or email masters fall under this committee's responsibilities.
Parent Education and Resource Center -- Co-chaired by Patricia Huggins and Steve Koss, this committee will address programs, activities, and resources for parent education. Topics could range from legal, immigration, and social services to money and credit management, teen health, parenting skills, computer training, or cultural activities. One aspect of this program will be working with Parent Coordinator Julia Valentin to initiate a new Parent Resource Center in Room 152, funded by a $5,000 grant from Lowe's Corporation.
School Safety and Security -- Chaired by Jayne M. Hunt, this committee will work with MCSM School Safety and local Police Precinct personnel to communicate parent concerns about student safety and explore ways in which the parents and PTA can help improve our children's security in and around their school.
Parents interested in participating on any of these committees should contact Parent Coordinator Julia Valentin at jvalentin@schools.nyc.gov or Steve Koss at mathman180@aol.com.
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